2023 Sustainable Procurement Snapshot Report

In early 2023, following two years of intensive development work and piloting, SPLC member organizations were invited to participate in an Inaugural launch of the SP Assessment Tool (the Navigator platform’s precursor). Organizations are invited to review this first annual performance report, which offers new and valuable insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and maturity of current sustainable procurement practices across corporate, government, and educational institution purchasing and points up significant opportunities for further progress.

Congratulations to the Top 5!

Top 5 Corporate 2023 SP Performers

logos of Top 5 Corporate Performers

Top 5 Government 2023 SP Performers

Logos of Top 5 Government Performers 2023

Top 5 Higher Education 2023 SP Performers

Logos of Top 5 Higer Education Performers 2023

Report Findings

sample tables from SP Snapshot Report

Sample results from the 2023 SP Snapshot Report: organizations shared the specific types of purchases they are currently prioritizing within their sustainable procurement systems. 

Participant Impact Priorities

Of the 29 organizations, 28 indicated that they currently prioritize specific environmental, social, and economic sustainability impacts relevant to their organization’s spend. These impacts are summarized in Table 1. along with the percentage of organizations that selected each impact priority. The responses identified a wide breadth of issues that these organizations seek to address as part of their sustainable procurement activities -- with the most frequent focus on supplier diversity, greenhouse gas emissions, waste reduction, human/labor rights, fair wages, and energy use.

Download the 2023 SP Snapshot Report