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Getting Started

Sustainable procurement is fundamental to an environmentally and socially resilient future. Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC) accelerates your ability to drive sustainability through the power of procurement. For over ten years, we have built and tested core knowledge and strategy that will get your program on target and underway.

How do we do this?
  • We design custom roadmaps with members for sustainable procurement success.

  • We provide category and issue-level guidance for ease of implementation.

  • We network you with others for faster, more practical learning and professional support.

Below are some recommendations to kickstart your sustainability journey.

Our sample sustainable purchasing policy was developed in partnership with numerous highly successful sustainable purchasing leads. It addresses the key elements of a fully articulated sustainable purchasing policy. It may be used as a template for your own policy development.

Download the sample sustainable purchasing policy

Whether you are just launching a sustainable purchasing program or looking to expand and strengthen your current efforts, you’ll need the support of multiple diverse stakeholders. To help you marshal your arguments and strengthen your program, SPLC invited expert sustainable purchasing professionals from the private and public sectors to weigh in. In these whitepapers, procurement leaders share stories and insights about how they learned to best make the case for sustainable purchasing as a critical element of overall organizational strategy.

Download Making the Case for Investment in Your Company’s Sustainable Purchasing Program

Download Six Strategies to Maximize Engagement in Sustainable Public Purchasing

Sustainable procurement is fundamental to an environmentally and socially resilient future. SPLC defines leadership in sustainable purchasing using five principles.

The principles were developed through an 18-month multi-stakeholder process that engaged leading organizations from a number of sectors and included the collection of more than 300 comments through public forums and a 30-day SPLC member comment period.

Download Principles for Leadership in Sustainable Purchasing

Ready for more?
Join SPLC today and gain access to our member community, a one-stop shop that consolidates guidance, case studies, webinars, contract language, tools, and organizational resources relevant to each product and service category. Highlights include: 

  • Supplier Rating Assessment: SPLC screened 400+ supplier data collection and rating systems for their suitability to support sustainable procurement, and then evaluated the appropriate systems for issue/impact coverage, management system credibility, and more. The evaluation rubric, findings, and results are available to review. 

  • Scope 3 Tools Landscape Assessment Tools for measuring and estimating supply chain greenhouse gas emissions are proliferating. This paper identifies 25+ different systems for measuring Scope 3 supply chain emissions and provides guidance on which specific use case each tool is best suited for.

Gain access to these tools and much more. Join SPLC today.