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Supply Chain GHG Tools for Purchasers

Are you a climate data collection tool provider trying to cut through the noise and raise purchaser awareness of your solution? Our procurement audience is eager to know more about your offerings!

As procurement teams develop data systems to assess the climate impacts of their supplier base/supply chain and purchases, SPLC is a trusted source of information and decision support. In addition to climate-focused courses and webinars, SPLC provides our membership with a Landscape Review of available GHG data and accounting tools, with guidance on features, pricing, and best use cases.  

That central review document, now open for updates and additions, is available to all 180+ organizational members of SPLC with an approximate annual procurements spend of $700 billion. SPLC also shares key updates on the report in our newsletter (over 8,500 subscribers), on social media (over 6,700 followers on LinkedIn), and in our SPLC member community (over 1,000 active users).



In 2021, the SPLC published  “Landscape Review: Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions Tools for Purchasers.” The report included assessments and use case recommendations for 20 sectoral and cross-sectoral tools. It covers 14 free tools and further examines four commercially available supply chain emissions reporting and estimation tools: Ecodesk Horizon, EcoVadis Carbon Action Module, SupplyShift Factory GHG Emissions Calculator, and Salesforce Sustainability Cloud. 

Your supply chain GHG tool can be included in our updated central review document. Contact us to ensure your offering is included in this round of review, which will close out in March 2024. The charge for tool review and inclusion in the document is $5000.