Collective Action | Market Makers

Guidance for Sustainable Purchasing

Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC) knows how to drive real progress in support of measurable impact. Our multi-stakeholder guidance is designed to help procurement and sustainability professionals develop a strategic sustainable procurement program that meaningfully addresses the environmental, social, and economic impacts of their spending by:

  • Identifying critical impacts of their organization’s goods and services purchasing
  • Guiding the selection and development of strategies, goals, and actions that address these impacts
  • Providing implementation support such as case studies, tools, and other resources to support progress toward goals

Download our publicly available guidance below.

Additional guidance is available for purchase (free for SPLC members). 

Don’t see what you are looking for?

SPLC members have access to additional guidance on 12 purchasing categories and four impact areas in our member community resource pages. Take advantage of our easy-to-use database to search for guidance, case studies, and resources relevant to your purchase in IT, food services, construction, and more! Not a member? Join today.